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Death in poverty


This Czech aviator popular for his Pardubice - Prague distance flight passed away ninety years ago.

Mr Jan Kaspar´s  fellow experimenter  was his cousin Eugen Cihak [Chihhahk] at first. They went separate ways  in April 1911. Eugen launched manufacturing flying machines joined by his brother Hugo.

 More : ´Pardubice Pardubitz do roku 1917 vcetne´

Jan´s father - a hotelier Frank Kaspar - died on May 13, 1913. His sponsorship of Jan´s hobby came to its end. Jan´s  aircraft was presented by him to the Technical Museum of the Kingdom of Bohemia in the same year. Nowadays it can be seen in Prague at the National Technical Museum.

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Following the Great War Jan Kaspar´s financial hardships were not over. He was indebted. Having tried taking his life he died several days later. Aged only fourty three.

In 1957 the ´How I Was Flying and Falling´ Book by Eugen Cihak was published.

Jan Kaspar´s  sculpture has been seen in Miru Blvd at the town of Pardubice since Dec 28, 2016.

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It was sited in the same place where he had been born on May 20, 1883. This work of art gained attention of all the passers-by instantly.